
Showing posts from February, 2015

The Power of Story - The Need for Silence

  A mother once asked Albert Einstein how her son could become as smart as he was.  Einstein replied, “read him fairytales.”  “What else should I do” she asked, “read him more fairytales.”  Einstein once said “logic will get you from point A to point B, imagination will take you everywhere.”     In a lot of ways we have lost the power of the story.  Immediately we want to know if something is true or not.  We get obsessed with data, facts and what we think is real and concrete.  In religious and spiritual realms we settle for beliefs and creeds rather than faith.  It is ease to say “I believe” quite something else to free fall head long into what we say we believe.  Imagination helps us take that step, the step that can lead us to far more than we can possibly imagine or believe.     Jesus gave us no creeds.  Jesus told stories, stories that would, if we use our imaginations, lead us to new and fuller life.  Jesus told stores about daily life.  The story of the sower, the story of flow